Monday, January 3, 2011


I really wanted one of those awesome Epiphanie Camera Bags for Christmas but those things run so much money and the one I wanted was about $165.00 and it was soooo awesome. Wish I would have gotten it for Christmas but since I didn't I decided that I wanted to create my own camera bag. I'm not very good at sewing so one of my New Year's Resolutions this year was to learn to sew better. There are so many awesome things you can create by sewing and I really want to learn to make them. Sooooo I decided to just go to Ross and find a purse that fit my needs because Ross is within my I found a great purse that had zippers, pockets, and lots of extra space and was not expensive at all. I also went to Hobby Lobby because I needed to make the inside a bit more like a camera bag and got all the stuff I need and I also picked out this awesome fabric which I LOVE!!!! So here is a preview of what I created all on my own. Now it's not perfect but it's my first time to do this! :)

Can you believe I even sewed a little extra bag to hold my charger and it matches the inside of the bag. How cool is that?? lol

My mom even gave me a little digital picture holder and I've attached it to my bag. Not only do I love it, but it looks cool too!!

Not too shabby huh?? I thought it turned out great for my first time doing this. I do hope one day I can afford that bag I want cuz its soo cool!! Thanks for taking a look and feel free to leave any encouraging comments below!! :)